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Join the Raylynmor Board

Raylynmor Opera is seeking qualified individuals who are willing to serve on the Raylynmor Opera Board of Directors. Strong candidates will show dedication to the arts, our mission, and vision.


Expertise Sought in the Following Fields:  

Finance, Accounting, Law, Business, Marketing and Public Relations, Fundraising, Grant-Writing, Arts and Non-Profit Administration


Board members are expected to:

  • Be an advocate for the organization through public, professional, social and other networking situations

  • Understand and administer the policies and by-laws of the corporation

  • Prepare and attend Board and committee meetings

  • Assist with publicity, promotion, production assistance, hosting and other tasks before an event or production

  • Take an active role in fundraising – either behind the scenes (planning) or (asking) for donations and contributions, whether from individuals, corporations, or foundations.

  • Support the organization with an annual financial contribution - at a level of personal comfort.   100% Board financial contribution is essential.

  • Ascribe to Raylynmor Opera’s conflict of interest policy which in part states Board members have a duty to act in the best interests of Raylynmor Opera.  Prior to joining the board, a prospective member must disclose any personal or business relationships in conflict with this duty of undivided loyalty, whether actual or potential.

  • Be fiscally prudent in making Company commitments, and potentially sharing the burden of financial loss of the organization

  • Foster an appreciation for the Company’s mission and opera in the community


Meetings and Responsibilities:

The Raylynmor Board of Directors meets monthly and as needed via video conference throughout the year. The Board meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 6:00 PM, unless it conflicts with a Holiday (in which case it is the second Monday). Occasionally, we may call special meetings to address time-sensitive matters. Attendance at board meetings is mandatory, and we will strive to schedule special meetings at mutually convenient times whenever possible.


How to Apply to the Board:

Interested candidates should forward a resume and a letter of introduction describing your areas of expertise and what you can bring to the Board to Jonathan Marshall at The introduction letters should be brief but still informative.

Raylynmor Opera is supported in part by a grant from the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.

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